Why was he abducted in the first place and who has the motive?
Who wants him silenced?
Does his disappearance have something to do with the current political crisis or is it something personal?
Is he still alive or six feet under the ground?These are just some of the questions that keep on creeping on everybody's mind regarding the manner and circumstances surrounding the abduction and disappearance of Bubby Dacer.
Even to the man on the streets, the answer is quite obvious!
The apparent lack of interest and coordination between the various law enforcement agenciesdespite the President's order to leave no stone unturned with regards to the case is one for the books!
The Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force's (PAOCTF)claim that they are facing a blank wall do not speak of the agency's enormous 500 million pesos intelligence budget, which is much bigger than the intelligence budget of the AFP, PNP, and the NBI combined!
The lack of concern and seeming indifference of the President on the case despite his claims of being his friend and Kumpadre not to mention that he invited and asked Bubby in Malacanang for help 3 days before his disappearance to which, according to reliable sources Bubby declined and was in the process found himself at the receiving end of Erap's tongue lashing!
The manner by which the abduction was done, in broad daylight and on a very busy highway for all the people to see plus the disappearance of the records of calls made by Bubby's daughters to his cellular phone on the day of his disappearance despite the fact that they were able to talk to some people that might be holding him gives one an idea of how powerful the mastermind is!
All the circumstances and reasons point to the Palace!
They have the means and the motives.They have the track record of eliminating people who have dared to cross their paths.
Let us not forget the Kuratong-Baleleng,the Rosebud expose, and the faith that befell Edgar Bentain, the man who gave Morato the tape showing the then Vice-President Erap playing Baccarat with Atong Ang and Company at the Casino Filipino.
The attempted abduction of Chavit Singson, which incidentally was very similar to the way Bubby, was abducted as described by the two NBI witnesses.
The series of political vendettas to persons, who have dared, offended, and displeased the President like Lito Lapid, Rey Malonzo, Tony Gonzales and countless others.
And if Chavit Singson is to be believed that Mr. Dacer has plans of doing his own exposes involving billions of pesos then there is no doubt that Erap and his minions are behind the disappearance of Mr.Dacer.
The only way to prevent him from doing just that is to silence him.
They knew that getting rid of him this early is the best thing to do under the very volatile political situation facing the country.
They cannot afford another expose involving the President nor his cronies at htis time especially now t hat public opinion is against him and is undergoing an impeachment trial in the Senate.
Now,Is Bubby Dacer dead?
Absolutely, the man simply knew too much about the activities of the President and his cronies (e.g. Dante Tan)that in the end proved to be his undoing.
As what the then Senate President Avelino had said, "Para que estamos en Poder?" (What Are We in Power For?)
Ask Erap.